For every API request made we return HTTP response headers containing the rate limit encountered during your request.

Header Format

X-RateLimit-LimitThe number of requests that can be made
X-RateLimit-RemainingThe number of remaining requests that can be made
X-RateLimit-ResetEpoch timestamp (in milliseconds) at which the rate limit resets

429 Response

If you exceed the rate limit for the API you will receive an HTTP 429 response code with a JSON body.

messageYou are being rate limited
retry_afterThe number of milliseconds to wait before submitting another request

Global 429 Response

Additionally, there is a global rate limit of 20 requests per second. If you exceed this rate limit you will receive an HTTP 429 response code with a JSON body.

messageYou are being rate limited
globalA value indicating if you are being globally rate limited